Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Math Without a Calculator

"Ancient Math Secrets Turn Even Math Phobics Into Number Wizards Who Can Calculate Effortlessly in Their Heads FASTER Than Most Adults Can With a Calculator!"

Even if you think you are "hopeless at math", you WILL calculate in your head today - 100% guaranteed. Proven system succeeds straight away the first time you try it, almost like magic. Surprise yourself how easy "mental" math really is... and finally acquire the valuable skills of the person who is "good with figures..."


"Fun With Figures"

Brilliant Mental Math Short Cuts That Will Amaze Everyone...and Give You A Positively Unfair Advantage In School And In The Workplace!

Here Are Just Some Of The Amazing Feats You'll Learn How To Do :

How to multiply any 2-digit numbers together in your head within seconds! 
Like 26 x 38.… does that look hard? It’s simple when you know this ingenious method of multiplication.

The magic phrase you can use to instantly check your change.  You'll kick yourself when you find out how easy this is -- and you'll never get short-changed ever again!

How to calculate naturally - from left to right! 
Our dinosaur methods of math force us into the unnatural right-to-left techniques that are like trying to walk up the street backwards! Left-to-right makes math as easy as reading a book.

How to double-check your bills by using a single number.
Save yourself loads of time with this simple secret known only to mathematicians and magicians… until now!

The easiest method ever for dealing with fractions
Using this simple technique, you can add and subtract fractions in a single step. You've never seen anything like this before.

 A brand new approach to multiplication.  
Ever had trouble with those multiplication tables? Using this little-known method, you can know the entire range of tables without having to remember anything higher than 5 x.

The simplest, most obvious, common sense method of subtracting
 Without having to remember the dreaded “carry digit" – another outdated and unnecessary mental torture!

11 little words to instantly overcome the most-feared mental math sum of them all: long division.
Using this ingenious mental device, you'll be able to perform long division within a few seconds and amaze your friends and yourself! “369 divided by 72?” Easy!
If You Can Follow Simple Instructions Then You can Perform math in Your Head
In “Fun With Figures” by professional mathematician Kenneth Williams and computer programmer Murdo Macleod, you’ll find out exactly how to perform some amazing mental math in clear simple steps.

No dull theory here!
All the techniques are presented in plain, simple language that shows you exactly what to do, backed up by crystal-clear examples and quizzes where you can amaze yourself with your new math skills.

In just 52 easy-to-follow pages, you’ll discover how to perform some amazing mental math feats you can apply anytime you come up against “the figures”!

And although that's already a powerful skill to possess... it's just the beginning!
Because when you learn the secrets of mental math, you’ll start to enjoy a whole range of additional benefits in your life.  

You'll find yourself being able to...
Handle problems without stress! 
Problem-solving is what math is all about… and as you discover how to solve problems you previously thought were impossible, you’ll find yourself applying the same calm thought process to all of life's problems!

Develop laser-like concentration
Being able to give something (or someone) your undivided attention is one of the keys to success in life. Mental math, even just a few minutes a day, gives you this skill… naturally.

Save yourself huge amounts of time
Why waste your life searching around for a calculator and hunting and pecking the keys to get the answers to simple problems? Just look at the numbers and write down the answer!

Boost your career prospects.  
Numbers are at the very core of business and by quickly developing a head for figures you'll be able to pass exams more easily, get promotion at work, or even change jobs completely and get a better-paid and more rewarding career.

Crack those aptitude tests! 
Mental math almost always features in aptitude tests that many companies use to weed out the “poor” applicants. With this powerhouse of skills at your disposal, you never have to worry about those tests again. Impress the heck out of people, whether it’s at work, in a meeting, or when visiting your bank manager! 

Skill in mental math is something everyone admires and associates with high intelligence. (Just let them think that - don’t share your secrets with them!)
Give your child the gift of knowledge… and a powerful advantage in life. 

Math forms the basis of many important subjects, both in school and in careers. There are too many people in the world who haven’t fulfilled their potential because they wrongly believed they were “no good at math”. Don’t let this happen to you and yours.

A skill you'll benefit from every day for the rest of your life - at work, running your own business, at the store, in the kitchen, helping your kids, and in countless other areas of life.  

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