Sunday 13 January 2013

iPhone Dev Secrets

How YOU Can Create an iPhone or iPad App or Game in 4 weeks And Hit Pay Dirt With It In The App Store With No Programming Skills.

Have you ever dreamed of creating your own great game or application for iPhone or iPad with no programming skills in just 4 weeks and hit pay dirt with it in the App Store?

Creating a great app or game is only part of the story. The most important part is how to sell it successfully and get on top of apps store sales. That’s what most developers are missing, failing one after another in their efforts to live their dream. They put all their efforts into the development and miss the most important part – successful marketing! Even the best app can remain totally unknown if you fail to market it properly.

Did you know there is a list of elite developers who get fast approvals, premium placing in “What we are playing” and other top ratings & benefits?

All this information is well kept secret from us.., so no surprise thousands and thousands of new developers who enter the market fail one after another. While you get confused reading and learning hundreds of ways of advertising your app – these guys use only a couple of ways that really work and don’t even waste their time on others…

Where to advertise the app? How to get traffic to the page? Should I order paid reviews or not? Should I create blogs? Do I need to make support forums for my game? Should I make my app free and earn money only by selling Ads inside, or is it better to get rid of ads and sell the app itself? All these questions could leave the newbie developer totally confused and as a result – on the road to total failure in achieving success in the apple store.

“Become the best by modeling the best”.

 Find out what the best developers do and mimic their techniques, use their secrets and tricks and you will become successful. Don’t try to re-invent the wheel. Use what is already working! Don’t spread out efforts on useless stuff that takes up your time but never brings results.

Here is what iPhone Dev Secrets is all about

During the 4 weeks, will take you by the hand and follow through the whole process of creating your first app or game. You’ll do it the easy and fun way. No boring theories, no hard core programming, no useless stuff. Only practical information and step by step instructions!

Here is what we are going to cover in the first week.

First of all you are going to cover the great variety of basic information on how to start and apply yourself in different areas of game and application development: from creating your first “Hello World” application, to developing your first game with Cocos 2d toolkit.

Did you know that Cocos 2d is considered one of the easiest ways of creating good Apps and will be the most used toolkit next year?

You will also discover how to create your first web using iWebKit and animated application using Adobe Flash CS5. How to debug your application and get rid of the bugs, so you have all the knowledge necessary to dive into more in-depth information over the following weeks.

In Weeks 2&3 you will discover different iPhone development tools starting from simple Xcode to more advanced stuff like Cocos 2d & iWebKit secrets & tricks.

Even if this may sound complicated – the information, tutorials and samples in such an easily understood manner that you can feel yourself becoming an expert even if you are a total newbie!

You are also going to learn the 2d and 3d editing software for game and app development and some sort of “cheat”-kinds of software & tricks - for those of you who want to use advanced stuff without wasting months on learning it. Just give what you really need and don’t waste your time describing stuff you will never use!

As a result of week 3 you will have your first game or application ready to go!
In the final week you are going to cover the most important part of the story –how to market your game and finally make money by selling it in the App Store. Time to get the money rolling :-)

Let’s be honest– after all, you want to make good bucks with it, don’t you? There are a lot of good, fresh, updated stuff on how to market your game, and where to get the dirt cheap targeted traffic!

You’ll also cover the most recent trends in game development – what genres are popular now and in the next year, what are the best converting ways to promote the game today and next year.

You can start creating your own app or game today and making money with it tomorrow.

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